
Here you will find an easy step by step guide and all do's and don'ts after applying tape extensions.

We recommend washing your extensions about 2-3 times a week, but everything depends on how much you exercise or how greasy your hair is. Remember that no tape can withstand too much sweat, grease, or oil. If you are unsure, it is better to wash the attachments once too often than once too little.


Step 1 -Before you go into the shower, start by brushing through your hair to remove any knots. Always brush from the lengths to the top. Do not pull.


Step 2 -Apply Spray Shampoo in wet hair, make sure to distribute it evenly and between the attachments. Massage and rinse thoroughly.

Step 3 -Apply BHBD Shampoo, make sure to distribute it evenly and between the attachments. Massage and rinse thoroughly.

Hair mask

Step 4 -Massage BHBD Mask into towel-dried lengths, let it work for 5-15 minutes for best results. Do not skip this step, 1 minute is better then none. Avoid attachments. Rinse thoroughly.


Step 5 - After hair mask. Massage BHBD Conditioner into damp hair lengths, avoid attachments. Rinse lightly.

Step 6 - As the last step spray Conditioner Spray in the lengths to prevent frizz and give shine. It can be used on damp or dry hair, avoid attachments.


Step 7 - It is very important to use a hair dryer and dry the attachments completely, as the tape will be affected if it is wet/moist for a long time.


Here are our do's and dont's while using BHBD tape hair extensions.


  • Flytta upp dina BHBD extensions efter 6-8 veckor.
  • Always wear your hair in a ponytail or braid when you sleep.
  • Use a brush suitable for extensions, always brush from the bottom up, and hold the hair firmly to exclude unnecessary tear.
  • We recommend using BHBD Hair Care products.
  • Använd bara återfuktande produkter på BHBD håret, inga tunga protein- eller keratinprodukter då proteinprodukter torkar ut extensionshåret och gör de ”stelt” medan keratiner kan lösa upp fästena.
  • Wash your hair once a week with a deep cleansing shampoo, we recommend BHBD Spray Shampoo. Shampoo the scalp twice, wash thoroughly between applications, rinse.
  • Protect hair when swimming in chlorine and salt water by applying conditioner spray beforehand or tie your hair up.
  • Always wash your hair carefully if you have been swimming in chlorine or salt water. On blond lengths, rinse immediately with water.
  • Solkräm kan missfärga extensions, sätt därför alltid upp håret när du applicerar din solkräm, låt krämen torka in innan du släpper ut håret.
  • Undvik utsläppt hår vid applicering utav brun utan sol samt hudvårdsprodukter som innehåller olika typer av syror.


  • Do not wash your hair 24 hours after applying extensions.
  • Do not brush wet hair, as the hair is extra sensitive.
  • Gå aldrig med blöta fästen en längre tid (då detta påverkar tejpen). Föna alltid fästena.
  • Utför aldrig en kemisk behandling på håret.
  • Använd inte plattång eller locktång på själva fästet.
  • Använd inga arganoljor eller oljor som tränger in i håret.
  • Do not use conditioner at the bottom, only from the ears downwards.
  • Använd inte torrschampo / hårspray eller liknande produkter på fästen.